Statement of Faith

  • We believe in the Scripture of the Old and New Testaments as verbally inspired by God, inerrant in the original writings and of supreme and final authority and life (II Timothy 3:16,17).
  • We believe in one God, eternally existing in three persons, Father, Son, and Holy Spirit, equal in every divine perfection and executing distinct but harmonious offices in the great work of redemption (I Peter 1:2).
  • We believe that God the Son became incarnate in the person of Jesus Christ, who was begotten by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary, and is true God and true man (Matthew 1:18-25; Luke 1:26-38).
  • We believe in the Genesis account of creation, that man was created in the image of God, that he sinned and thereby incurred not only physical death but also that spiritual death which is separation from God, and that all human beings are born with a sinful nature, and in the case of those who reach moral responsibility, become sinners in thought, word, and deed (Genesis 1:27; Romans 5:12; Ezekiel 18:4; Ephesians 4:18; Romans 3:10-23).
  • We believe that the Lord Jesus Christ was sinless in His life, that he died for our sins according to the Scriptures as representative and substitutionary sacrifice, and that all who believe in and accept Him are justified on the ground of His shed blood, have their sins pardoned and receive the gift of eternal life (II Corinthians 5:21; I Corinthians 15:3; John 1:29; Romans 5:8-9; 6:23; Colossians 1:14; I John 5:12).
  • We believe in the resurrection of the crucified body of our Lord, in His ascension into heaven, and in His present life there for us, as High Priest and Advocate (Romans 1:4; Luke 24:39; Acts 1:9; Hebrews 7:25; 4:14; I John 2:1).
  • We believe in “that blessed hope,” the personal, bodily, pre-millennial and imminent return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ (Acts 1:11; I Thessalonians 4:13-18; Luke 12:40).
  • We believe in the bodily resurrection of the just and the unjust, the everlasting blessedness of the saved and the everlasting conscious punishment of the lost (Daniel 12:2-3; John 5:24,29; Revelation 20:4-6; I John 5:12; II Corinthians 5:1).
  • We believe in the church, a living spiritual body of which Christ is the head and all regenerated people are members (I Corinthians 12:27; Ephesians 1:2 2,23; 2:19-22).
  • We believe in the ordinances which Christ has commanded us to observe: baptism by immersion and the Lord’s Supper (Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 8:36-38; 10:47-48; Romans 6:3-5; I Corinthians 11:23-26).
  • We believe that the business of the church is to preach the Gospel, to build up its members in the faith, to make disciples, to teach and instruct as Christ commanded and to evangelize the world (Matthew 28:19-20; II Timothy 4:2; Colossians 2:6-7).
  • We believe that it is required of every Christian to live a life separated from the world (Romans 12:2; II Corinthians 6:14-17; I John 2:15-17)


West Seneca Christian School is an educational ministry of First Baptist Church of West Seneca and maintains the same statement of faith as the church.

Upcoming Events

February 2025




7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Parents Group Meeting

See What Our Families Say!
Parent of Current Student
As a family whose children have attended West Seneca Christian for the past 17 years, we place a great deal of confidence in the work of the school. Our children, who have already graduated, have been well prepared for college academically. They have also enjoyed and benefited from their opportunities to participate in sports, drama, and student body leadership roles.
Local Pastor and Parent of Current Student
Our experience with WSCS has been reassuring to us as parents. We were impressed that there is a school and teachers who care deeply about educating children as well as supporting them being raised with biblical values. As a father with a son in the school, as well as being a pastor serving in western New York, I see the need for a godly atmosphere in which children can be educated and raised with biblical values. I am thankful for all those who serve this school that have a heart to see our children succeed academically and spiritually.
Recent Alumnus
During my first year at college, it was quite noticeable to me that spending my high school life at WSCS thoroughly prepared me for college. I leaned at WSCS how important communicating with your teachers is for doing well in a class. WSCS challenging academics was similar to my college classes. I felt that the writing classes I took at WSCS prepared me extremely well for college writing expectations.
Parent of Current Student
We are greatly pleased with the elementary program at WSCS. One of the things we were looking for in a school was one that taught the phonics approach to reading. Both of our children benefited from this system at WSCS and are now avid readers. They have a firm foundation for continued academic success. And more importantly, all teaching is done from a Biblical perspective and is always God honoring.
Parent of Current Student
We appreciate the school’s emphasis on developing Godly character in our children. Values such as kindness, compassion, integrity and respect are demonstrated by the teachers and encouraged in the students daily. The environment is positive and fun with clear boundaries in regards to the proper behavior that is expected in the classroom. And this has led to our children developing good self-control at an early age. WSCS is quite a blessing!
Parent of Current Student
The small class size is an advantage to help the kids learn at their own pace. It allows the teacher time to work with each student one-on-one based on their individual needs. My kids enjoyed going every day and I would highly recommend sending your child to WSCS kindergarten.
Parent of Current Student
WSCS was able to balance the responsibility of preparing its students to serve the Lord while also producing excellence in the classroom. I participated in fine arts as well as athletics which allowed me to develop friendships that still exist today.
WSCS Alumnus
The extracurricular activities allowed me to develop as an individual as well as learn to work in team settings. Both of these characteristics have been essential as I continued my education and worked my way through corporate America. I am continually appreciative of what I learned and I thank God for the opportunity I was given to attend West Seneca Christian.